Frequently asked questions

This page has the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding admissions at American Pacific International School.

When does the school year begin and end?

We begin the first week of August and end on the third week of June.

What grades are taught at APIS?

Most of our students attend early years and primary grades. In total we have 3 levels–Early Years, Primary and Lower Secondary. We begin in Nursery where most children are age 3 and in the coming 2021-22 academic year, we will have up to lower-secondary Grade 9.

What curricula are taught at APIS?

The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC), International Primary Curriculum (IPC), National Curriculum (MoEYS), Chinese Curriculum and starting in 2021-22, the Cambridge Curriculum for lower-secondary students.

Where is APIS located?

We have 2 campuses, 1 in Daun Penh, (Corner of St. 51 & St. 200) and 1 in Toul Kork, Pet Loksang (St. 160 corner St. 271)

What languages are taught at APIS?

English, Khmer and Chinese.

What special assistance is available to student?

After school small group and 1:1 tutoring and summer school.

What specialist instruction is provided?

Music, Art, Physical Education, Computers and Swimming

When should student apply?

We accept applications at any time throughout the year. It is recommended to begin at the start of the academic year which is always the first week in August.

What transportation is available to APIS student?

Minivans are available to pick up your child

What extra-curricular activities are available at APIS?

We do sports days several times a year. In 2019-2020 we started a climbing club. We are looking to begin a chess and football club for the 2021-22 academic year. There has also been interest in debate which we do in our Global Perspectives classes.