9 things you should say to your kids every day

Daun Penh Campus
  1. ” I love you.” Say it to them as often as you like.
  2. “I like it when you….” Talk about positive aspects of their behavior.
  3. “You make me happy.” This makes them feel valued.
  4. “I’m proud of you.” They need to hear they’re doing a good job, even when it’s hard.
  5. “You are special.” Let them know their uniqueness is a strength.
  6. “I trust you.” Building a foundation of trust raises an honest person.
  7. “I believe in you” Teach them how valuable they are.
  8. “I know you can do this! Encourage them to never give up.
  9. “I am grateful for you.” To be specific this can really make their day.

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